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LOJ Builder Event - Small Veggie Gardening

A class on Small Veggie Gardening & Microgreens with Kim Roman, owner of Square Foot Gardening 4 U and Certified Square Foot GardeningTM Instructor.

In follow-up to our talk on Therapeutic Gardening, this class covers several different methods of small-space, high-intensive edible gardening so you can choose the one(s) that will work best for you -- carefully noting two common methods you might NOT want to use. Also included is a brief bonus lesson on microgreens!

Kim's standard fee for this class is $15 per person -- but in support of our Rise Up Campaign, the requested donation for this event is a discounted rate of $10 per household (though not required).

This event has passed! Click here to receive a copy of the recording.

Created in partnership with our network of wellness practitioners and mental health professionals, #LOJBuilder Events are an online series of interactive events designed to tackle anxiety and depression head-on, and to help our community Rise Up in this time of uncertainty! Donations to our spring Rise Up Campaign will help us to provide more virtual supports like this, and to advance our in-person programs once COVID-19 restrictions lift!