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LOJ Builder Event - Yoga Nidra for Anxiety & Depression

Yoga Nidra for Anxiety & Depression is brought to you by Life of Joy Foundation & Shannon B Yoga Nidra, 500 RYT and Advanced Yoga Nidra Facilitator - Meditations for Recovery.

Yoga Nidra is a guided meditative experience which uses specific body, breath and awareness techniques to guide the practitioner into progressive states of relaxation. The techniques that are used have been shown to activate different areas in the brain and regulate the nervous system.

The session is 60 minutes and will include:
- Initial introduction
- Preparation
- Light movement
- Guided practice
- Integration
- Closing

Anyone can experience the healing benefits of Yoga Nidra, previous yoga or meditation experience is not necessary. For best results, find a space with minimal distractions and use earbuds. The suggested donation for this event is $15, but not required.


Created in partnership with our network of wellness practitioners and mental health professionals, #LOJBuilder Events are an online series of interactive events designed to tackle anxiety and depression head-on, and to help our community Rise Up in this time of uncertainty! Donations to our spring Rise Up Campaign will help us to provide more virtual supports like this, and to advance our in-person programs once COVID-19 restrictions lift!