Welcome to our 4th Annual Fall Hope Campaign!

With #holisticmentalhealth and #suicideprevention always at our core, we are strengthening our roots here at Life of Joy with  #LOJHope: a two-fold campaign to build hope in our community and respond to the ever-rising need for mental health support!

We need your help and invite you to get involved in one or more of the ways listed below.


Tackling mental illness and suicide head-on through various events, social media campaigns, and partnerships, all of our #LOJHope outreach is designed to uproot stigmas and help strengthen our community in mind, body and spirit! Be sure to follow our social media pages and subscribe to our newsletter for opportunities to engage and share.

PS: Thanks to all who supported our full 3rd Annual Songs of Hope program on Nov 11th!


We are holding fast to this year’s theme of Strengthening our Roots and inviting you to partner with us in raising $35,000 over this 3-month campaign! Contributions help provide community workshops on mental health and suicide prevention, develop specialized support programs, expand the LOJ team, and build our online hub of resources for integrative healing!

 Check out our Golden Roots Givers Club and consider supporting us in any of the following ways!

  1. Donate one-time or become a recurring donor.

  2. Grab a 50/50 Cash Raffle chance!

  3. Fundraise for us!

  4. Pledge a match.

  5. Shop our LOJ Store — sport an LOJ shirt, grab a new travel mug or gift a journal!

Lastly, spread the word! Share this page & our happenings with your personal and professional networks.

Thank you in advance for spreading the hope!

These are sample statements of the impact your gift will make. All gifts are unrestricted. Thank you for trusting us to invest your gift wisely!