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LOJ Builder Event - Food & Mood

A class on Food & Mood - brought to you by Life of Joy Foundation & Pam Adams, Licensed Nutritionist and owner of Synergy Annapolis - Nutrition. Personal Training. Wellness

Many know that stressors can impact our food choices and digestive health, but aren't sure how to get a handle on it. In this class, we will zero in on the roles that food and diet play in managing stress, as well as foods that challenge stress, anxiety and low mood!

Join us to:

- Explore the food and mood connection
- Identify key nutrients that may be depleted by chronic stress and how to incorporate them into your diet
- Learn how to structure balanced meals to help stabilize mood throughout the day

Suggested donation is $10, but not required.


Created in partnership with our network of wellness practitioners and mental health professionals, #LOJBuilder Events are an online series of interactive events designed to tackle anxiety and depression head-on, and to help our community Rise Up in this time of uncertainty! Donations to our spring Rise Up Campaign will help us to provide more virtual supports like this, and to advance our in-person programs once COVID-19 restrictions lift!

Earlier Event: May 2
LOJ Builder Event - Yoga Therapy
Later Event: May 23
LOJ Builder Event - Lean In